Random Selection Audit for Drug & Alcohol Testing

When you generate a random selection for drug and alcohol testing, the online software application, DrugTestNetwork, a cloud based SaaS system, maintains a thorough and complete audit trail.

The original list of employees eligible for random drug and alcohol testing from which the randomization was conducted is saved as a permanent record.  If John Doe was in the list at the time the random selection was conducted, his name will appear in the audit trail record.  If John Doe is removed from the personnel roster for the company in which he was employed, his name is forever maintained in the audit record.

A safety sensitive employee who must comply with Federal DOT guidelines must have passed a pre-employment drug test prior to his or her employment and must be eligible for random drug and alcohol testing from that point forward.  Therefore, one of the most frequently asked questions regarding random selection for drug and alcohol testing is whether an employee was in the list at the time a particular randomization was generated regardless if the employee is currently in the client’s pool of personnel eligible for selection.

The random selection audit answers the questions:
Users can query a list of random selections for a client by date as shown below.  To review the list of personnel eligible for the selection, the user simply clicks the icon to review the entire list that participated in the random selection generated for a specific randomization request.

In the application the user clicks the personnel icon (seen on the right) to review the list of employees eligible for each random selection in the report.


The Random Selection Listing for a specific account for a specified period of time:random selection audit trail


DOT MIS Report

DrugTestNetwork produces the DOT MIS report with ease and has an analytical reporting tool to clarify any potential problems regarding the reporting accuracy of test results for a client.

Only Drug and Alcohol Tests for specific reasons for testing and specific overall qualitative results are counted for the DOT MIS report.  Only test results recorded with be below listed Reasons for Testing are counted:

  • Pre-Employment
  • Random Selection
  • Post Accident
  • Reasonable Suspicion
  • Reasonable Cause
  • Return to Duty
  • Follow-Up Testing

If a test result is recorded with ANY OTHER reason for testing, it is NOT counted in the reported tests for the DOT MIS Report.

Test Result Codes: Only the Overall Qualitative Test Results listed below are counted in the DOT MIS Report:

  • Negative
  • Positive
  • Cancelled
  • Shy-Bladder (No Medical Explanation)
  • Shy-Lung (Breath-Alcohol)
  • Declined to Participate (Other Refusals)

Test Results that use ANY OTHER overall qualitative test result are NOT Included in the reported test counts for the DOT MIS Report.


Quick Result Tools

DrugTestNetwork’s Data Management Software provides resources to generate random selections for drug and alcohol testing from individual client “pools” or across multiple personnel rosters from any number of separate client accounts managed as a “consortium.”When you generate a random selection the program automatically creates a drug and alcohol test result record for each person selected with the status of “Not-Collected.”  These “uncollected” tests are used to determine if a company is in compliance with their drug free workplace policy or their federally mandated requirements.If you are manually resolving test result records, you’ll find a “Quick Result” option that let’s you automatically set test results for the block of data generated as a result of the random selection.
List Random Selections
Click the icon to access the “Quick Results” manager.

DrugTestNetwork.com is an Internet based (SaaS: Sofware as a Service) software application for drug and alcohol testing; resources for TPAs, MROs, Labs, Employers or School Administrators to manage drug testing data for their drug free workplace, DOT compliance or drug free schools.

Collection Sites

DrugTestNetwork’s Data Management Software for Drug and Alcohol Testing allows you to create and manage your own list of Collection sites for drug and alcohol testing and keep track of their respective costs for all types of samples: urine, saliva, breath alcohol, etc.
Collection Sites in subscriber database
You can also assign collection sites to specific clients and include the site’s address in notification letters addressed individually to each person in a random selection for drug and alcohol testing.

Collection Module

DrugTestNetwork provides a specific data entry resource to easily enter collection information where donors can go for drug and alcohol testing.  The resource includes reporting features so you can email instant test results to the client when the sample has been collected and screened.
When you enter instant tests, you can immediately send an email with a full detailed report as a PDF attachment to the employer.

Billing: Export Data

You can export the details of your billing data to a text file or for Quickbooks.
DrugTestNetwork generates invoices separately for individual clients or in mass for all clients in a single request. Although the system has resources for posting payments and generating statements, some users may prefer to export invoice and billing information so the data can be imported into their QuickBooks or other accounting applications.

Clients & Sub-Accounts

As a Third Party Administrator you will have multiple employers (clients) for whom you are provide random selection and drug and alcohol data management services.

Each client can have multiple sub-accounts, each named appropriately. For example, a client might have a DOT and a Non-DOT account. You can also create a separate sub-account for each list of personnel that must be reported separately to a DER or managed separately for random selection of drug and alcohol testing.

Random Selection for Drug & Alcohol Tests: Options

DrugTestNetwork’s online, cloud based software application for drug and alcohol data management includes comprehensive random selection generators to pick employees for random drug testing to meet employers’ drug free workplace policies and to comply with DOT Federal guidelines.

You’ll find 3 ways to generate a random selection for both a drug and an alcohol test when you’re generating a draw for both in a single request. Continue reading

Random Selection: Drug & Alcohol

Drug & Alcohol Random Selection StatsWhen you open the drug and alcohol random selection control, the software presents the annual target percentages set for the account calculates the current year to date collection stats by percentage and number of tests collected for both drug and alcohol tests.

Annual Target Percentages for both the substance test and the alcohol test are provided so you can easily adjust your percentages to stay on track as required.  The percentages are automatically adjusted based on the average size of the personnel roster and the number of previous randoms generated year to date.

Client Representatives

Designated Employee Representative: Drug Test Data ManagementThere is essentially no limit to the number of company representatives you can maintain [Designated Employee Representative] for each  client in the system.  Client representatives with the status of “DER” can see account information (drug test results, personnel, random selection results, etc.) for the accounts to which they are assigned.  Client reps with the status of “Admin” can see information across all sub-accounts for that Client.  You can even have a contact with privileges that extend across clients if required.

Every client added to the system has, by default, a single sub-account.  You can create as many sub-accounts for the client as needed.  Many clients will naturally have a DOT and a Non-DOT account.  Some clients with locations across the state or across the country could have sub-accounts for each location.

When client representatives login to the system, the webpages are branded to your business.