EDI: Review Results – Map Account, MRO, Panel, Clinic

DrugTestNetwork is a comprehensive drug and alcohol testing program management platform designed to support drug-free workplace initiatives and ensure compliance with DOT regulations. Ideal for TPAs and employers, it features software tools for managing every aspect of testing programs, including seamless integrations to electronically import results from laboratories and Medical Review Officers (MROs).

The technology is called EDI: Electronic Data Interchange.  EDI test results are provided as a text file, contain one or multiple test results, and are referred to as an EDI File Record.

When you open an EDI File Record (EFR), the included results are listed, allowing you to identify and map the reports to the appropriate client account. Additionally, you’ll map the associated MRO, Panel, and Clinic codes. Once these elements are mapped, subsequent EFRs with matching codes will automatically recognize and link to the corresponding elements from the EDI source.

To learn how to get to the screenshot below, review the articles: Getting Started

The screenshot below is a partial display (not all columns are included) of the list of results in an EFR:

When you’re on the actual page with data from one of your EFRs, press the icon for Overview to get an explanation of the symbols presented and the options to prepare the data for transfer into the reporting tables.

To map the account, MRO, panel and clinic, click the icon under the Edit column to open the EDI Editor.

From the EDI Editor, refer to the sections below to map the client, MRO, panel and clinic:

  • Donor/Account: Map Client Account
  • Clinic: Map the clinic when clinic information is provided.
  • MRO: Map the MRO code
  • Results/Panel: Map the panel code.

EDI: Getting Started – List EDI File Records

DrugTestNetwork’s Drug Testing Program Management Software for both drug and alcohol testing, provides the capability to manage test results electronically transferred from the Lab or MRO.

The technology is called EDI: Electronic Data Interchange.  EDI test results are provided as a text file, contain one or multiple test results, and referred to as the EDI File Record.

When the EDI module receives a file, the contents are processed and a test result record is created for each report in the file.  EDI test results are maintained separately from the reports that are provided to clients.  The steps to transfer an EDI result into the reporting tables is referred to as Resolving EDI Records.

To review your EDI File Records, tap the short-cut option at the top of the page:

When the page opens, it automatically lists the EDI File Records (EFR) received within the last 30 days. By default, only EFRs with one or more results not yet transferred into the reporting tables are displayed. To include EFRs that have had ALL results transferred, choose the option: ALL.

To List files by date, enter the calendar period and press the List button:

When the EDI File Records (EFR) are listed, tap the Manage icon to open the EDI File Record and review the test results included: when that page opens, you’ll find Help and Overview options to explain what’s presented and how to proceed.

Click HERE to review the page that shows the EDI reports included in the EFR and how to map data elements and start the transfer into the reporting tables.

EDI: Getting Started – Connect

DrugTestNetwork’s data management system, a drug testing administration software platform, for both drug and alcohol testing, provides the capability to receive test results electronically from the Lab or MRO.  The technology is usually referred to as Electronic Data Interchange, or EDI.  EDI test results are provided as text files with one or multiple test results.  The file is referred to as the EDI File Record. When the EDI module receives a file, the contents are processed and a test result record is created for each report in the file.

To see if you have test results, tap the short-cut option at the top of the page:

When the EDI page opens, click the Connect symbol:

A progress window will report if any files are available.  Close the window when it reports the number of new files found.  The underlying page will refresh to show the new files.

This example shows 3 EDI File Records (EFRs) transferred with the connection.
Tap the manage icon to open the EFR and review the records of results and transfer into the reporting tables.

Click HERE to review the page that shows the EDI reports included in the EFR and how to map data elements and start the transfer into the reporting tables.