Audit Request: Proof of Enrollment

DrugTestNetwork’s Data Management Application provides the software tools essential for keeping track of data to insure DOT compliance. DOT Auditors will often ask for proof of enrollment for someone who is required to comply with DOT regulations.  One requirement for compliance is that all covered employees participate in random selections for drug and alcohol testing. Typically, Proof of Enrollment or Proof of Participation is verified by showing that the employee participated in each random selection for the calendar year of the audit.

Search for the Client/Company to which the participant belongs; i.e., the company that employs the  participant.

For the Client/Company, to list their random selections, click the icon:

When the List Randoms window opens, enter the dates for the audit request and click Submit Request. For each random selection, click the people icon to show the list of participants in the random selection.

The person’s name appears in the list showing they participated in the random selection and were eligible to be picked for random drug/alcohol testing.

You’ll want to print this list for each random that was generated in the calendar period of the audit request.

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