Random Selection Scheduling for Non-Consortium Members

Random Selection: Schedule for Non-Consortium Members / Individual Pools


For drug and alcohol testing management, one challenge many TPAs face is ensuring that every account has random selection conducted as per the company requirements for DOT regulation and/or their Drug Free Workplace policy. The challenge is especially pronounced for companies that are not part of a consortium, where individual management of employee lists can lead to oversight. DrugTestNetwork addresses this challenge its proprietary scheduling feature, specifically designed for non-consortium members.

The Importance of Scheduling for Non-Consortium Members

For companies that do not participate in a consortium—referred to as “Individual Pools”— the task of managing random drug and alcohol testing can be a concern so the company’s random selection is not overlooked.  Unlike consortium members, whose employees are drawn from a shared pool, non-consortium companies must managed their own random selection processes. This increases the risk of overlooking critical testing dates, which can lead to compliance issues.

How the Scheduling Feature Works

The scheduling feature in DrugTestNetwork is designed to eliminate the guesswork and manual tracking associated with managing random selections for non-consortium members. Here’s how it works:

  • Customizable Frequency: Each account can be set up with a specific random selection profile that includes the frequency of testing. Users can choose from options such as Weekly, Monthly, Twice Annually, or Annually. This ensures that each company’s unique requirements are met without manual intervention.
  • Automated Date Tracking: Once a random selection is conducted, DrugTestNetwork automatically updates the “Next” date for the next scheduled random. This is calculated based on the frequency set in the profile, ensuring that no account is ever overlooked.
  • Query-Based Alerts: Users can easily query which accounts are due for their next random selection based on the current date. This feature is particularly useful for users who manage multiple accounts, providing a quick overview of upcoming obligations and reducing the risk of missing critical testing dates.
  • Historical Records: The system also keeps track of the “Previous” random selection date and the date the random selection list was sent to the company contact. This historical data is invaluable for audits, compliance checks, and internal reviews.

Tutorial: Configuring the Scheduling Parameters

To make full use of the scheduling feature for non-consortium members, it’s essential to correctly configure the account’s scheduling parameters. These parameters are found under the “Random Selection Parameters” section of the account profile editor. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to set them up:

  1. Access the Account Profile Editor:
    • Navigate to the specific account you need to configure.
    • Open the account’s profile editor by selecting the account from your list of managed companies.
  2. Locate the “Random Selection Parameters” Section:
    • Within the account profile editor, scroll down until you find the “Random Selection Parameters” section. This section contains all the settings you need to control the scheduling of random selections for this account.
  3. Set the Frequency:
    • In the “Frequency” dropdown menu, choose how often random selections should occur. Options include Weekly, Monthly, Twice Annually, and Annually. Select the option that aligns with the company’s testing requirements.
  4. Review the “Next” Date:
    • The system will automatically calculate the “Next” date based on the frequency you’ve selected. You can review and adjust this date if necessary, although it’s recommended to let the system handle this automatically for consistency.
  5. Monitor the “Previous” Random Selection Date:
    • The “Previous” date field will display the last time a random selection was conducted. This field is automatically updated by the system after each random selection, and is useful for tracking and auditing purposes.
  6. Save Changes:
    • After configuring the scheduling parameters, be sure to save your changes. This will ensure that the system follows the newly set parameters for all future random selections.

Benefits of the Scheduling Feature

  • Ensures Compliance: By automating the scheduling of random selections, DrugTestNetwork helps users maintain compliance with regulatory requirements and company policies, reducing the risk of penalties or legal issues.
  • Reduces Administrative Burden: The scheduling feature significantly reduces the administrative load associated with managing random drug and alcohol testing, allowing users to focus on other critical tasks.
  • Increases Efficiency: With the ability to quickly identify which accounts need their random selections conducted, users can efficiently manage their workload and ensure that no account is left behind.


The scheduling feature for non-consortium members is a convenience and a great tool for ensuring the integrity and reliability of your drug and alcohol testing program. By automating the process and providing clear, actionable insights, DrugTestNetwork empowers users to manage their responsibilities effectively and with confidence. This feature is essential for any organization committed to maintaining a safe and compliant workplace.

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